The Golden Light Activation is a 60-minute transformational, energetic session that is designed to help a you embody Christed level consciousness more easily.
One session helps you for the rest of your life to embody:
"...what this activation is doing is bringing in golded Christed energy, and it's bringing it in so that each individuals body and energy field, is imbued with the golden light of the Christ, and we stay of the Christ not to be confused with the human who walked the planet who carried the Christed energy named Jesus. For it is energy that he carried as well as many of the Masters, but we want to make the distinction of the energy aside from the human who in a sense popularize its embodiment..."
Holly Hawkins Marwood and Paul Marwood, and any other practitioners who work with Soul Genesis as independent contractors, are not physicians and make no claims, promises or guarantees. See our website Disclaimer for further details.